
Sabtu, 09 April 2016

OMG! Can I Pet Your Dog ! Well No Actually You Cant

Hey, everyone!

Its #ConfessionTime today! :p I may be doing more of these dog-related confessions, so keep an eye out!

I have a really cute dog. This is a fact. I can not go anywhere with Nola without someone saying something along the lines of "awww, shes so cute!", and asking to pet her . While Im always proud as a peacock when shes complimented, I adamantly refuse to let people pet her.

"Ooooh," You may be thinking. "Nola must have a reactivity issue we arent familiar with!" 

She doesnt. While shes aloof to the point of total apathy with strangers, she rolls with it when it comes to interacting with people.

The issue isnt with her. Its me. I cant stand people touching my dogs. I can tolerate a lot (actually, my issues have more issues than Vogue, and Im possessive as fuck, but thats beside the point), but having people petting my dogs drives me up the wall. It bothers me to no end! I see someones grubby hands reach out to stroke my dogs gleaming coat, and my teeth grit so hard it hurts. Its not just strangers, either: family bothers me, too! In fact, I can only think of 6 people that Im okay with touching my dogs.
Maybe thats why Ive chosen aloof and/or reserved dog breeds. :p

center;">Cant touch this!

And for those people that dont ask before reaching out to fondle my dog?

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So thats one of my many dog confessions! Whats one of yours? Please tell me Im not the only one with this...ah, quirk. ;)

- Dachshund Mommy

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