
Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Spice Up Your Dogs Diet with Primal Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food

Hey, everyone!

Today were working with Primal Pet Foods. Primal has been dedicated to raw and natural nutrition for dogs and cats since 2001. They offer both frozen and freeze dried foods, as well as raw bones and several kinds of treats.

I feed my dogs a varied diet; though kibble is their main diet (different brand and protein each bag), throughout the week they will get some canned food, dehydrated, or freeze dried. I firmly believe that a varied diet is one of the best things you can do for your dogs health, and its definitely shown in my gang.

Primal has been the favorite for my dogs freeze dried meals, by far! This is one that doesnt smell strongly, has a consistent texture, easily absorbs water, and its been the one Ive had to feed the least of.
That helps keeps the cost down, let me tell you. Its actually pretty cost effective for a small dog like Nola! She eats two nuggets a day (or 1 1/2 if its a heavy training day), so a bag lasts quite a while. A dog like Rule, on the other hand...ah, lets just say its a good thing I feed it supplementally.

10lb Nola gets two per meal. 45lb Rule

I crumble it up so it absorbs quicker. 

Immediately after adding water.

2 minutes of soaking. 

The best thing about freeze dried raw is how little space it takes up. I fed prey model raw when Pike was a puppy, and even for two small dogs, it took up a huge amount of freezer space. The Primal bag fits neatly into the dog closet. Love!

The dogs all love this. Ive even broken pieces up and used them as training treats; theyre crack value for the pups. While its not their primary diet, Ive yet to see any negative effects from it. Theyre even more eager for meals than normal, and their poop stays small. Yay. :p

Overall, I highly recommend Primal, and will be buying more when our bags run out.

- Dachshund Mommy

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