
Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Radio Public Service Announcements for Holiday Child Safety Around Dogs

Doggone Safe offers some radio PSAs to help keep kids safe around dogs over the holidays. Radio stations in North America must devote some air time to PSAs. Contact your local radio station to see if they are interested in playing any of these.

Link to this information on our main website.

These dog bite prevention Public Service Announcements can be read live and some can be downloaded as recorded WAV or WMA files. Some of these are specific for the holidays and some are general for use any time. The WAV files have been professionally recorded, ready for radio play.

Download a zip file containing the PSA scripts and just the holiday PSA recordings in high quality WAV format, suitable for radio play.

Download a printable version of all scripts (holiday scripts are marked as such)

Download a zip file contained printable version of scripts and all recorded PSAs in WMA format. These are suitable for listening to with a computer or posting to a web site.

Download a zip file containing scripts and high quality WAV files for all PSAs (holiday and anytime)

Download or listen to individual PSAs produced by Doggone Safe and view each script

Thanks to Theresa McKeon and Brian McKeon for donating their time to creating the recorded PSAs

Listen to PSAs produced by Big Dog 92.7 in Regina, Saskatchewan

Thanks to Tracy Block of Big Dog 97.2 and Sally Cleland for their time in creating these. If other radio stations would like to air any of these, please contact Tracy Block for broadcast quality versions.

bigdogPSAs Produced by Big Dog 92.7

26 Stitches

Adopt a Classroom

Learn to Be a Tree

Relearn ABCs

Straight Facts

Strange Dogs

SVMA 100th Anniversary

listentoPSAs PSAs and Scripts Produced by Doggone Safe

To download individual files right click and choose "save target as" to download. indicates holiday PSA




Celebrations at Grandma’s house over the holidays are the stuff of fond memories. Noisy gatherings can make Grandma’s dog very anxious. Even the most docile pet may bite if provoked. Supervise!
 Download high quality(WAV)



Ho! Ho! Ho!  A man in a red suit coming down the chimney may be very scary for the family dog. More dog bites occur during holiday times than any other time of the year. Supervise!
 Download high quality(WAV) 



Did you know that dogs talk to us all the time? A happy dog pants and wags his tail. A bossy dog has his ears forward, his mouth closed and his tail held high. This dog does not want to meet you. 
 Download high quality(WAV)


 Did you know that dogs talk to us all the time? A happy dog pants and wags his tail. A scared dog has his mouth closed and holds his tail between his legs, he may even be wagging it or backing away. Give a scared dog his space, he might be scared enough to bite or growl to get you to go away. 
no recording
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Did you know that dogs talk to us all the time? A happy dog pants and wags his tail. A bossy dog stands tall, leaning forward with his ears forward, his mouth closed and his tail held as high as he can get it. This dog does not want to meet you, he wants you to leave his place and his stuff alone.
no recording



If you are visiting a friend with a puppy and the puppy is too frisky and jumping , you should…
A. push the puppy away
B. pick the puppy up by the scruff of the neck
C. Be a Tree and stand still
 The answer is C. Be a Tree. Trees are boring and the puppy will soon lose interest. 

Download high quality(WAV)



If a strange dog comes over to you, you should… 
A. yell at the dog to go away
B. Be a Tree and stand still
C. try to make friends with the dog
 The answer is B. Be a Tree. The dog will most likely sniff around you and move on. Never touch  a strange dog. 
 Download high quality(WAV)



If a dog is loose and barking at you, you should… 
A. Be a Tree and stand still until he gets bored and goes away
B. run away screaming
C. try to pet him to calm him down 
The answer is A. Be a Tree. Stand still and look at your feet.
Download high quality(WAV)  



 Did you know that dogs don’t like hugs and kisses, especially from kids or strangers?. Your dog may tolerate many hugs before finally snapping.
Download high quality(WAV)


 Did you know that most dog bites to children are by a family pet in someone’s home and that hugging the dog is a common cause if these bites? Dogs warn before they bite and you can learn to speak dog and recognize the signs of a dog that is tolerating, but not enjoying attention from a child. Keep kids and dogs safe this holiday season, watch for signs of anxiety in the dog and intervene if you see them. no recording