
Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Parents Get Involved! Educate Yourselves and Your Kids Train Your Dogs Keep Everyone Safe

Parents, you have taught your kids about common hazards and how to reduce risks from such things as sharp objects, traffic, the stove, electrical outlets, fire, deep water and strangers. Be sure to add dogs to the list so that kids are not learning by trial and error. If you have a dog in the family, it is important to train the dog to accept and enjoy the attentions of children and to teach the kids how to read dog body language and respect the dog. All dog owners should be teaching their dogs to be accepting of everything that life dishes out, but parents cannot count on this, any more than you can count on all drivers to act safely around kids, or all other parents to be as safely conscious with your kids as you are. Kids will be out in the world without you and they need to know how to keep themselves safe.

In order to keep your kids safe and to teach them what they need to know, you as a parent need to educate yourself. As a dog owner and a parent you need to be sure that the family dog is ready for life with kids.

Dog Bite Prevention Week is coming up in the 3rd week of May and to celebrate we want to let parents know about some excellent resources to help keep kids safe.

Family Paws Parent Education - Educational Webinars for Parents or Expectant Parents with a Dog in the Family

Here is information and links to watch two free webinars from certified dog behavior consultant Jennfier Shryock:

Welcome Home! Introducing New Baby and Dog Class: FREE! 

Click HERE to watch now!
New parents often have anxiety about the initial introduction of their new baby and family dog. This is the perfect option for immediate help from your home when you need it. Take it before or just after baby arrives. Videos, handouts and live support are all included in this hour long webinar. Led by Jennifer Shryock, leading dog and baby expert, this class is packed with information to ease your mind and increase safety and enjoyment so that you can focus on the most important things … mom’s recovery, nursing, and bonding with your newborn. This class will be offered the 2nd Thursday of every month.

Postpartum and Family Dogs … Impulsive Re-homing Phase (IRP) Class: FREE! 

Click HERE to watch now!

Overwhelmed new parents each year make a heart wrenching decision they often regret. Usually this peaks when baby is 2 – 6 months of age. This is Impulsive Rehoming Phase (IRP) or “Better Off” Phase. Mom may feel the dog would be “Better Off” with another family as she is too tired or unable to meet the needs. Other family members may feel mom would be “Better Off” with one less thing to take care of. These are the situations heard time and time again. There are many factors at play here and our goal is to offer ongoing support and solutions to help professionals and families work through this challenging time. I have found with simple steps and support, families can successfully work through this period with their companions remaining in their home.

Be sure to check out the additional webinars with essential information for parents available from Family Paws Parent Education. Click here for information and to register.

Basic Body Language Online Course

The Basic Body Language Online Course is on sale for $20 (regular price $30) until the end of May 2012. This course provides essential information for all dog owners and especially for parents with dogs in the family. Learn the basics of dog communication so that you can see for yourself what you dog enjoys and what he merely tolerates from the kids. Teach the kids to respect the dog, have empathy for the dog and recognize that dogs have feelings too. By learning to observe and recognize dog body language your kids will become excellent observers and will become more aware of the dogs moods and will realize that the dog is not always interested in play, affection or attention. They will learn to know when the dog is receptive to their attentions and when they should leave him alone.

Basic Body Language Online Course - $10 OFF!

Click HERE to register!

This course will teach you to read dog body language and to understand how dogs communicate with their various body parts. You will learn how to look for clues in a dogs body postures and in the environment to help you decide whether a dog wants to interact or is best left alone. Happy dogs are easier to train, less likely to develop behaviour problems and less likely to bite. The information you gain from this course will be useful to anyone who owns a dog, works with dogs or encounters other peoples dogs on the job or during leisure time. If you own or work with dogs, you will learn how to tell if some aspects of the dogs life are causing anxiety so that you can work to reduce these, resulting in a happier dog that is easier to train and live with.

"Recently I had the pleasure of reviewing the Basic Dog Body Language course, one of several excellent online courses that are a joint effort between Doggone Safe and Doggone Crazy! This is an amazingly thorough and useful course, whatever your existing knowledge might be. I highly recommend it because it emphasizes both safety and empathy for dogs." Judy Johns, Editor, The Latham Letter. Read the full review

Dogs and Storks DVD for Expectant Parents

Dog and Storks DVD - 50% OFF! 

Click HERE to purchase now! (use discount code doggone safe)

Get the answers and solutions you need to help decrease stress and increase your confidence and comfort once baby arrives.
Dogs&Storks™ is the trusted program for new and expecting families with dogs. Our Educational DVDs have supported families since 2002! Mother of four, certified dog behavior consultant, Jennifer Shryock offers practical tips and clearly explains how and why preparing before baby arrives helps everyone towards a smoother transition.

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